
User Guide

Duke- the all-in-one friendly task manager :bowtie:

Main Features

Add todo task: todo

Add deadline task: deadline

Add event task: event

List all tasks: list

Mark task as done: done

Delete task: delete

Find task: find

Help for all commands: help

Bye to exit: bye

Add todo task: todo

Add a todo task with user input as the task description.

Example of usage:
todo assignment 7

Expected outcome:
Got it. I’ve added this task:
[T][✘] assignment 7
Now you have 1 task in the list.

Add deadline task: deadline

Add a todo task based on user input as the task description. Requires deadline after /by preferably in the proper format:

Example of usage:
deadline buy maple syrup /by 15/9/2020 tonight at 1900

Expected outcome:
Got it. I’ve added this task:
[D][✘] buy maple syrup (by: 15/9/2020 tonight at 1900) (Tue, Sep 15 2020 7.00pm)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.

Add event task: event

Add a todo task based on user input as the task description. Requires event time after /at preferably in the proper format:

Example of usage:
event wedding /at 23/9/2020 Fullerton at 8pm

Expected outcome:
Got it. I’ve added this task:
[E][✘] wedding (at: 23/9/2020 Fullerton at 8pm) (Wed, Sep 23 2020 8.00pm)
Now you have 3 tasks in the list.

List all tasks: list

Display all tasks and their done status.

Example of usage:

Expected outcome:
Here are the tasks in your list:
1.[T][✘] assignment 7
2.[D][✘] buy maple syrup (by: 15/9/2020 tonight at 1900) (Tue, Sep 15 2020 7.00pm)
3.[E][✘] wedding (at: 23/9/2020 Fullerton at 8pm) (Wed, Sep 23 2020 8.00pm)

Mark task as done: done

Mark the task specified by the input task number as done.

Example of usage:
done 1

Expected outcone:
Nice! I’ve marked this task as done:
[T][✓] assignment 7

Delete task: delete

Delete the task specified by the input task number.

Example of usage:
delete 1

Expected outcome:
Noted, I’ve removed this task:
[T][✓] assignment 7
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.

Find task: find

Find a task that fully and partially matches the input word.

Example of usage:
find wed

Expected outcome:
Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1.[E][✘] wedding (at: 23/9/2020 Fullerton at 8pm) (Wed, Sep 23 2020 8.00pm)

Help for all commands: help

Display all valid commands.

Example of usage:

Expected outcome:
Here are all your commands:
list- list all tasks,
todo - add task,
deadline /by -add task with deadline,
event /at -add event with date ,
date - finds task on specified date,
   date can be formatted as : yyyy-mm-dd or dd/mm/yyyy,
   time can be formatted as : HHmm or HH.mm a
done - marks task as done,
find - finds task with specified word,
bye - goodbye!

Bye to exit: bye

Exit Duke.

Example of usage:

Expected outcome:
Bye. Hope to see you again soon!

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